GPA Action Plan

GPA Action Plan is unique due to two main reasons:

  • First, it includes a novel two-fold approach to prevention of wars by addressing the primary causes and conditions that produce them and by further strengthening of the global checks and balances – in place of present strategies pivoting on ‘balance of power’.
  • At the same time, GPA Action Plan also takes the global peace mission far beyond the mere prevention of wars at the worst of times to lasting peace on Earth with a New Beginning for humankind. This will make the world trust on the power of reason, instead of the reason of power.

The specific measures proposed under the Plan are designed to empower people and their educational, cultural and other grassroots networks everywhere to take the centre-stage in building and sustaining a culture of peace for generations to come. The Global Peace Alliance is proposing to accomplish this mission with the help of regular workshops and seminars, peace exhibitions, political lobbying, school curriculums, newsletters, testimonies of atomic bomb survivors, commemoration in the memory of victims of genocide, media interviews, public presentations, individual and group peace reflections, social media and much, much more.

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