‘Act decisively before it is too late’, Guterres warns countries, laying out his priorities for 2023
Time is running out as the world inches closer to meltdown and countries must change course before it is too late, UN Secretary-General António Guterres warned on Monday, presenting his priorities for the year.
Appeal for Peace
There will be a future of mankind only if it becomes a peaceful one. This involves peace within the societies and between nations as well as in peace with nature. This requires international cooperation instead of rivalry and enmity.
Burnaby, BC action of the January 13-22 Week of Actions to stop wars
On January 6-8, Canada Peace and Justice Network comprised of Global Peace Alliance and forty five other organizations Rallied Across Canada Against the Purchase of Fighter Jets.
Canada Peace and Justice Network Rally Against the Purchase of Fighter Jets
On January 6-8, Canada Peace and Justice Network comprised of Global Peace Alliance and forty five other organizations Rallied Across Canada Against the Purchase of Fighter Jets.
Global Peace Alliance Festival Highlights 2022
Every year Global Peace Alliance celebrates the International Day of Peace with the multicultural “Give Peace a Chance” festival and acknowledgement of Literary and Visual Arts Contest winners. Here are the highlights from last year’s event.
Do you agree with DiEM25’s Peace Proposal for Ukraine? Global Peace Alliance Does.
While ending the war must be the priority of every radical humanist, saying that the war must end is not enough. DiEM25 has a duty to put forward a draft of a realistic, and at once honourable, Peace Treaty.
Protestors Take to the Streets in 9 Cities Across Canada, Demanding #FundPeaceNotWar
Across Canada, the U.S. and around the world, peace activists were on the streets from October 15th to 23rd, demanding an end to imperialist wars, occupations, sanctions and military interventions.
Global Peace Festival Delights Surreyites With Their Annual Talent Show
The Global Peace Festival held their annual talent show on October 1st at the Bell Centre of Performing Arts for the International Day of Peace and Truth and Reconciliation Day.
Action – Please Join as We Demonstrate Against War
Across Canada, the U.S. and around the world, peace activists will be on the streets from October 15 to 23, demanding an end to imperialist wars, occupations, sanctions and military interventions.
KPU instructor speaks at Multicultural Peace Festival about truth and reconciliation
Melinda Bige’s presentation focused on governance practice, the genocide of Indigenous Peoples in Canada, and where reconciliation is now